Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Law Of Probability

There are many laws of success that operate in our lives; the Law of Attraction, the Law of Reciprocity, the Law of Focus, just to name a few. One of the most important laws to know and understand is the Law of Probability. Unfortunately this is one of the least understood laws of success.

Scientists used to believe that we lived in an exact universe, but in the last hundred years a whole new area of physics has developed and turned the idea of an exact universe completely on its head. This area of science is called Quantum Mechanics.

Quantum mechanics teaches us that our universe is actually governed by probability rather than exactness. Everything in the universe is subject to the laws of probability and our own behaviors, and the results that we get from those behaviors, are no exception.

The Law of Probability of success states that when you are taking actions to increase your level of success what you are really doing is increasing the probability that you will succeed. What does this mean in practical terms?

In practice this means that there is no way of knowing the exact results that you are going to get in any particular situation. You may be applying all the laws of success today yet you may have a fruitful day or an unfruitful day. There is no way to predict the outcome for any particular occasion.

However, before you totally give up your success strategies realize that what the Law of Probability is also saying is that if you keep following the laws of success, thinking the right thoughts and taking the right actions then you will become successful. Over time you will have more successes and greater successes than you will have failures.

The moral behind understanding this law is to not give up just because everything is not working out to plan. There is no way of knowing what any particular action will bring but there is a certainty in the total set of results from any continued pattern of actions. In order to become successful you need to keep on keeping on.

Remember that quantum mechanics has shown us that it is the Law of Probability that keeps our whole universe functioning. It keeps the earth going around the sun, it keeps our bodies functioning, and it keeps each and every process in our universe working and has done so for billions of years. If you want a strategy with a proven track record of success then you can't go past the Law of Probability.

This Law of Probability also works against us if we activate it in that direction. Just as with the positive side of this law you can't tell what will be the exact outcome in any particular circumstance but you can predict the average outcome over time.

A person may break all the laws of success and yet seem to have an uncanny amount of good fortune. However if you observe this person over the long haul you will find that their life is in fact not working the way they would like it to.

In order to become successful and remain successful long term the best strategy is to learn and apply the time proven laws of success and stick with them. If you do this then sooner or later you will reap the rewards that you are dreaming of.

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