Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How To Judge People Correctly

While some people might reach out for our compassion, sympathy and love, some manage to bring themselves to a state where we can only deny them any right of forgiveness for how they behave.
Sometimes we forget out own humanity and reach up a higher status that set us high above men in our own vision and we begin judging people. As we are introduced to new people, we tend to judge their personalities, depending on the first impression they left on us; the manner in which they were introduced; the opinion of others on them, we forget how we dislike being judged and pretend that it will be alright if we set up their characters in mind before we are enlightened by their accomplishments or miseries. Not only do we forget to see that our judgment is based on hardly anything, but we also do not look past the present and we pretend that they chose this personality.
Yes, perhaps most of the blame is to be put on the person himself, but their past might have been inevitable and no matter how, they were unable of changing it.

One of the biggest mistakes when it comes to judging a person is forgetting who we are and how we were forged. When you meet a former convict and you frown at the scars on their face, do not forget that while luck was on your side in your biggest problems that you got out of, they might have had no substitute.
When you come to judge a person, do not judge them solely, but reach further if the judgment was bad. Far beyond the scars or the egotistical attitude, there might be a history that has made them that way. While their narcissistic attitude might be based on their accomplishments, we find it hard to keep up with them.
But when wouldn't you feel the need to complain if you were finally accomplished after such long time of being made fun of? I would. Would you not feel sadness if you have lost someone dear? How could not!

Another mistake is how we judge people depending on the first impressions. Some of us tend to wear masks not to reflect the darker sides of personalities, or the weaker ones. Do not forget how your first impression might affect someone else, and instead of setting a whole judgment on how another person exposed themselves to be during the first introduction, allow time to judge them for you.
Time is the perfect judge when it comes to people. Most of us have known that person who seemed to be bad and turned on to be more humble and helpful than those closer to us.

All in all, judging a person is a flaw that should leave long-lasting damage on your own self before the person judged. In other words, you will hate someone and then feel guilty for it, just because they appear to be something they are not. Appearances can be very deceiving.

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