Friday, May 31, 2013

Studying Criminal Justice

If you are looking for a career that provides both personal satisfaction and a great paycheck, check out a career in criminal justice! This fast-paced field is ever-expanding and always looking for bright newcomers. As the population grows, so does the need for criminal justice professionals.

Starting a career in criminal justice may be easier than you would imagine. There are many avenues to explore when choosing the right path for you. There are many hands-on training jobs that require field work and can be physically demanding. If you are in great physical shape and would enjoy an action-packed day, a field officer may be a great option for you.

Officers in the field range from police officers and deputies, to juvenile delinquency case workers, and even child protective services case workers. If you have a sense of adventure, a need to help others, and a desire to bring justice to those in your community, a position that requires working hands on in the community on a daily basis may suit you.

Do you enjoy working with children? If so, a career with the Department of Child and Family services may be a great option for you. These criminal justice professionals work to keep children in the community safe from harm. Helping those who cannot stand up for themselves will instill a sense of pride and satisfaction.
Juvenile delinquency is on the rise in this country, and so the demand for professionals that can connect with children and inspire them to turn their lived around is in high demand. As an officer who deals with delinquent minors, you will make a difference in the lives of local children who may not have a great role model to look up to. Also, you will have the opportunity to serve your community by changing the lives of children who would otherwise turn to a life of crime in their own neighborhoods.

Becoming a police officer can be a daunting process, but offers great rewards. The benefits of becoming an officer include; great salary, excellent benefits, sense of accomplishment, and plenty of room for advancement. Starting off as an officer may lead to becoming a deputy sheriff, or maybe even a detective.

There are so many opportunities for young men and women that join the police force.

If walking the streets in hot pursuit of criminals or reprimanding juvenile delinquents does not appeal to you, there are many other ways to get involved in the criminal justice field. Case workers who visit victims of domestic violence play an important role in bringing the guilty parties to justice, as well as bringing peace to the victims.

Whether you are working in an office, with victims, or in the field combating criminals, there are many ways to apply the results when you study criminal justice. As there are so many facets to this type of career, you may find scholarship opportunities are as varied as the degree application. If you would like to gain a sense of pride and accomplishment after a long day at work, and are seeking more than just a paycheck, look into the many different career paths a degree in criminal justice may offer you.

Justice League

One of the hottest subjects to talk about is Justice League; it may be because it is one of the greatest stories published by DC Comics, it could be because the Justice League: Mortal film is out in 2013 or it could be because superheroes are the biggest trend at the box office and at fancy dress retailers.

There are various origins of the Justice League, but the most popular origin told is a story of alien warriors coming to Earth competing to see who would conquer the world first. Attacks from the aliens, Appelaxian drew the attention of many superheroes. These superheroes were Superman, Batman, Flas, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman and Wonder Woman. Each and every superhero managed to fight off many encounters with the aliens, but failed to accomplished one mission; it was only if they worked together as a team that they could relieve Earth from any attacks. 

Justice League or Justice League of America or JLA as they are also known as has increased in size since their first appearance in the ever so popular DC Comics. The founding members, stated above first appeared in The Brave and the Bold #28, but it wasn’t until Justice League of America #4 came out where you saw the team start to steadily grow. The 1960s recruits included Green Arrow, Atom, Hawkman and Black Canary.

In the 1970s the Justice League once again expanded this time using the powers of Phantom Stranger, Elongated Man, Red Tornado, Hawkgirl and Zatanna. Since then the Justice League team was split into several groups, some of which were; Justice League America, which was led by none other than Wonder Woman, justice League Task Force, led by Martian Manhunter and Extreme Justice, which was led by Captain Atom.

New recruits to the Justice League has carried on with the latest recruits coming from year-long comic book limited series Justice League: Generation
Lost, which sees the introduction of Blue Beetle and Rocket Red #7.

With increased interest and ongoing popularity with the comic books, it’s no wonder why Hollywood directors, script writers and producers are eager to make a film about the Justice League. Both Marvel and DC have received incredible success with their superhero films, so Justice League: Mortal, should create an even bigger buzz, especially as it will be released around the same time as the film about the popular Marvel team, The Avengers.

The characters, which are rumoured to be announced to feature in the film include: Batman, Green Lantern, Superman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, The Flash and Talia AL Ghul.

Hype and buzz is already swamping the film industry, but it is affecting the themes people are choosing for a fancy dress party. Everyone is going crazy for superhero fancy dress, whether the girls want to dress up as a girly alternative of a male superhero, for instance, Robin (Batman’s sidekick) or boys want to show off how much muscle they can grow over night with the help of a Batman or Superman suit.

Whatever you are looking for in a superhero costume it can be found on All Fancy Dress and will be ideal for any Justice League fancy dress party. Alternatively there are also some incredible Marvel costumes that are perfect for fans of The Avengers. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Justice Studies

Justice studies offered at a vocational school or college are perfect for the aspiring professional who desires an occupation related to law or criminal justice. Justice studies are often divided into focal areas of the field, and are commonly geared towards economic justice, social justice, law and policy, and justice in the cultural evolution. In a trade school setting, students may opt to attain professional certificates as well as Associate's or Bachelor's degrees of Science in Justice or Criminal Justice.

In addition to a general education curriculum, students who enroll in a Justice school will be exposed to broad coursework that may involve classes in the justice system, Native American justice studies, as well as concepts and issues, principles, research, philosophy and theory relative to justice. They will also learn about society and courts systems, corrections and criminal justice, crime, crime prevention and control, community and social justice, domestic violence matters, organized crime issues, administrative law, and many other topics associated with law and justice. 

Students who have successfully completed a justice studies program will have gained essential understanding into the inner workings of the justice system. They will have learned about historical and philosophical conceptions of justice and will have the capability to analyze sociological issues related to the field. In addition to working in governmental agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the graduate of a vocational justice studies school can go on to gain entry-level employment in local and state government offices as a criminal investigations officer, corrections officer, law enforcement officer, or criminal investigator. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How To Judge People Correctly

While some people might reach out for our compassion, sympathy and love, some manage to bring themselves to a state where we can only deny them any right of forgiveness for how they behave.
Sometimes we forget out own humanity and reach up a higher status that set us high above men in our own vision and we begin judging people. As we are introduced to new people, we tend to judge their personalities, depending on the first impression they left on us; the manner in which they were introduced; the opinion of others on them, we forget how we dislike being judged and pretend that it will be alright if we set up their characters in mind before we are enlightened by their accomplishments or miseries. Not only do we forget to see that our judgment is based on hardly anything, but we also do not look past the present and we pretend that they chose this personality.
Yes, perhaps most of the blame is to be put on the person himself, but their past might have been inevitable and no matter how, they were unable of changing it.

One of the biggest mistakes when it comes to judging a person is forgetting who we are and how we were forged. When you meet a former convict and you frown at the scars on their face, do not forget that while luck was on your side in your biggest problems that you got out of, they might have had no substitute.
When you come to judge a person, do not judge them solely, but reach further if the judgment was bad. Far beyond the scars or the egotistical attitude, there might be a history that has made them that way. While their narcissistic attitude might be based on their accomplishments, we find it hard to keep up with them.
But when wouldn't you feel the need to complain if you were finally accomplished after such long time of being made fun of? I would. Would you not feel sadness if you have lost someone dear? How could not!

Another mistake is how we judge people depending on the first impressions. Some of us tend to wear masks not to reflect the darker sides of personalities, or the weaker ones. Do not forget how your first impression might affect someone else, and instead of setting a whole judgment on how another person exposed themselves to be during the first introduction, allow time to judge them for you.
Time is the perfect judge when it comes to people. Most of us have known that person who seemed to be bad and turned on to be more humble and helpful than those closer to us.

All in all, judging a person is a flaw that should leave long-lasting damage on your own self before the person judged. In other words, you will hate someone and then feel guilty for it, just because they appear to be something they are not. Appearances can be very deceiving.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Judges, Justice, and a Gulf in Between

If you needed a custom-made suit, how would you go about looking for a tailor? Would you try to seek out a republican, or a democrat? Would you worry that your jacket would be too tight if he is a liberal, or the trousers too loose if he is a conservative?

You won't care. Your only concern would be that he knows how to cut right, and sew well, the pieces of cloth. Tailoring and politics have nothing to do with one another.

The same goes for almost every other human occupation. Whether you are an electrician or a plumber, a dentist or a baker, the quality of your product has nothing to do with your party or your political philosophy.

But there is one profession and one product that are a glaring exception to this rule.

The profession is a judge, and the product is justice.
When, while in pursuit of happiness, "we the people" bump into one another, or into the superstructure of the state, and need to resolve our differences, we go to courts. And while politics means nothing in a tailor's workshop, in a courtroom it makes all the difference in the world. Unlike the shape of the suit of clothes, the outcome of a lawsuit depends entirely on judge's political views. Verdict rendered by a republican will likely differ from that coming from a democrat; conservative judge's decision will be the opposite of that coming from a liberal; and a "strict constructionist" will decide differently from an "activist judge."

This is made perfectly clear in the work of the Supreme Court, where nine justices examine the exact same case - and often come to the opposite conclusions. And to think of it, the "four to five" decision means that almost half of the justices, if left to their own devices, would render an unjust verdict.
Now, the Supreme Court justices are greatest legal luminaries in the land - and if the best of the best can go wobbly, how reliable are the judges who preside over lower, one-judge courts, and who are neither as bright, nor have peers on the bench to straiten them out?

Those can operate in a thoroughly bizarre manner. In a recent case where one side presented an argument heavily supported by the evidence and the other provided mere negative rhetoric, the judge was caught in a dilemma. The simple weighing of fluff against substance would have produced a result utterly at variance with his politics and "legal philosophy." So what did he do? Going back to his lawyerly past, he invented a totally new argument for the fluff-supplying party right in his decision, and gave victory to his own argument! The substance party protested that it never saw that argument until the decision was made, and would have easily defeated it if it did, supplying a thorough rebuttal - but the lawyer/"judge" was adamant. With his politics and "judicial philosophy" at stake, such minor matters as law, fact, logic, procedure, and justice, mattered nothing.

And there is no remedy, despite the existence of two layers of appellative courts, the Appeals and the Supreme Court. The Appeals court has to take for review all cases from all courts on its circuit, and so can dole but very little time to each one. 15 minutes are given to each party to present its case, with questions from the judges making one painfully aware that they do not understand even the bare basics of a case they are trying to judge; so no justice is to be expected there. The Supreme Court has the opposite problem. It gives thorough consideration to the cases it takes, but because of that it can only take a few - in fact, its capacity is limited to less than 2% of those submitted. So while the Appeals court is accessible, it is of necessity so shallow as to be of no use; the Supreme Court may be good, but is of necessity practically inaccessible, and hence, is equally useless.

With lower courts producing injustice at a rate of 65% (the percentage of Supreme Court cases that overturn lower courts' decisions - and what is true for less than 2% of cases that the Supreme Court is capable of considering, also has to be true for more than 98% of cases it has no time to look into), shouldn't we seek a better way of generating justice than the one we have now?

Well, the cornerstone of present-day judging is judge's "judicial philosophy" - judge's perception of what is important for the society. Naturally, this depends on judge's political outlook - which is why there is so much partisanship over selection of federal judges, and the appointment of every Supreme Court justice is such an entertaining political show.

But reliance on "judicial philosophy" is totally at odds with rendering justice. As if the appalling statistics of unjustly-decided cases were not enough, proponents of the "judicial philosophy" approach explicitly tell us that rendering justice is, to them, of a very low priority. Roscoe Pound, a dean of the Harvard Law School in the early twentieth century and a legal scholar touted as "the schoolmaster of American bar," had this to say about the formative, pre-Civil War years of the American legal system: "For a time it was meet that John Doe suffer for a commonwealth's sake. Often it was less important to decide the particular case justly than to work out a sound and just rule for the future." Quite apart from Mr. Pound's obvious inability to reason that is evinced by this passage (it is impossible to arrive at a sound general theory from fallacious particulars), the passage unmistakably states that a "judicial philosophy" has nothing to do with justice. Mark Twain aptly summarized the "free contract" "judicial philosophy" prevalent during America's "Gilded Age" as follows: "the meanest of us would not claim that we possess a court treacherous enough to enforce a law against a railroad company." Not much justice here. And any other "judicial philosophy" simply passes court favoritism to some other group of players, and consequently subjects someone else to injustice.

But exercising justice through enforcing "judicial philosophy" is not the only method of judging there is.

Look at any symbolic representation of Justice and you will see a blindfolded woman holding a scale. The blindfold symbolizes impartiality (that is, the absence of a "judicial philosophy"), and the scale is to weigh the sides' argument so as to determine a winner.

That method of judging is very straightforward, and very reliable indeed. The judge first examines each side's argument separately, checking it for relevance and for logical consistency. Then, he matches opposing arguments that pertain to the same issue. Finally, he compares them one by one. The party with the stronger arguments wins.

To use such procedure, one does not need to have a legal background at all. A judge has to be a trained logician rather than a legal scholar. Logic being judge's only tool, personal politics will have as little place in generating justice in a lawsuit as they have in tailoring a suit of clothes; and the decision in each case would fit that case only, and fit it as precisely as a tailor-made suit fits a person it is made for. The decision will be judged and appealed on the quality of its logical analysis, and the judge with poor skills in logic reprimanded and shunned just as if he were an unskillful tailor.

The switch from "judicial philosophy" to logic in generating justice will undoubtedly change the social status of judges. They will no longer be venerated as augurs officiating at deep mysteries in the high temple of Law, but will become white-collar professionals, like accountants or computer programmers; and in fact, their work will become heavily computerized, the future Bill Gates and Steve Jobs undoubtedly creating electronic tools that would largely automate judicial decision-making.

Yet, the loss in judicial prestige will be a gain for the society. After all, we go to courts not to get a dose of philosophy, but to find justice, and providing justice is the only reason why the courts exist. At the present, their rate of success is abysmal; they will do their job incomparably better when our antiquated system of "judicial philosophy" goes the way of equally ancient, and equally useless, astrology and alchemy.

The light of logic and reason will hopefully prevail over the medieval darkness of the present-day American justice system, which provides perhaps for social stability, but has a very hard time indeed producing the one and only thing it was ever meant to produce - justice.

The Law Of Probability

There are many laws of success that operate in our lives; the Law of Attraction, the Law of Reciprocity, the Law of Focus, just to name a few. One of the most important laws to know and understand is the Law of Probability. Unfortunately this is one of the least understood laws of success.

Scientists used to believe that we lived in an exact universe, but in the last hundred years a whole new area of physics has developed and turned the idea of an exact universe completely on its head. This area of science is called Quantum Mechanics.

Quantum mechanics teaches us that our universe is actually governed by probability rather than exactness. Everything in the universe is subject to the laws of probability and our own behaviors, and the results that we get from those behaviors, are no exception.

The Law of Probability of success states that when you are taking actions to increase your level of success what you are really doing is increasing the probability that you will succeed. What does this mean in practical terms?

In practice this means that there is no way of knowing the exact results that you are going to get in any particular situation. You may be applying all the laws of success today yet you may have a fruitful day or an unfruitful day. There is no way to predict the outcome for any particular occasion.

However, before you totally give up your success strategies realize that what the Law of Probability is also saying is that if you keep following the laws of success, thinking the right thoughts and taking the right actions then you will become successful. Over time you will have more successes and greater successes than you will have failures.

The moral behind understanding this law is to not give up just because everything is not working out to plan. There is no way of knowing what any particular action will bring but there is a certainty in the total set of results from any continued pattern of actions. In order to become successful you need to keep on keeping on.

Remember that quantum mechanics has shown us that it is the Law of Probability that keeps our whole universe functioning. It keeps the earth going around the sun, it keeps our bodies functioning, and it keeps each and every process in our universe working and has done so for billions of years. If you want a strategy with a proven track record of success then you can't go past the Law of Probability.

This Law of Probability also works against us if we activate it in that direction. Just as with the positive side of this law you can't tell what will be the exact outcome in any particular circumstance but you can predict the average outcome over time.

A person may break all the laws of success and yet seem to have an uncanny amount of good fortune. However if you observe this person over the long haul you will find that their life is in fact not working the way they would like it to.

In order to become successful and remain successful long term the best strategy is to learn and apply the time proven laws of success and stick with them. If you do this then sooner or later you will reap the rewards that you are dreaming of.

The Universal Law

The 7 Universal Laws, the Law of Attraction, the 12 Universal Laws of Success, the 6 Spiritual Laws of the Universe... All those terms, one talks about 6 Laws of the Universe, the other talks about 7 Universal Laws, yet another talks about 12 Laws of Success, I've even seen people talking about 21 Spiritual Laws of the Universe, or rather 21 subsidiary Universal Laws. All sources of knowledge promise the same magic of manifesting and attracting all desires and dreams of people applying one or more of these Laws.

Yet so few people are actually living their desires, dreams and success. Despite all the available knowledge about the 7 Universal Laws, the Law of Attraction, the 12 Universal Laws of Success, the 6 Spiritual Laws of the Universe and the subsidiary Universal Laws or Spiritual Universal Laws, there's only a handful of people reaping the benefits that are promised to accompany the application of the Universal Law of Attraction or the interplay of Universal Laws in general.

So why don't all those people not 'attract what they desire', 'manifesting their dreams', or 'achieving the success they've always longed for'? Even the hundreds of thousands of people who have seen the movie 'The Secret', or the documentary 'What the Bleep Do We Know', or read the 'Attractor Factor' by Joe Vitale, or the Laws of Success by Napoleon Hill, or the 'Secrets of the Millionaire Mind' by T. Harv Eker, or any other popular self-help or self-improvement book, movie, film or other resource? One reason is that there's no such thing as "effortless attraction". As much as you'd like not having to put in any effort whatsoever, there's always a bit of effort involved. But that's a subject for another time... But there's another, very important reason.

Here's what the problem is. People can't see the forest because of all the trees anymore. They completely lose track of the big picture. There's just too much information about the 6 or 7 Universal Laws, the Universal Law of Attraction, the 12 Laws of Success, and so on. People don't know which book, film, movie or other resource to pick. Are there 6 or 7 Universal Laws? Or are there 12 Universal Laws of Success? Or is there just 1 Law of Attraction? Or do you have to know about 21 Subsidiary Laws or Spiritual Laws or whatever?

Who's right? Well, in a way, none of them are right. Or all of them are right. It depends on how you look at it. Let's set this all straight.

The Universe is infinite. There are no boundaries, and no limitations. As humans, we are aspects of this Universe. In one way, we are the Universe, in another we are separate aspects of this Universe. This is not the time and place to get into the details of this, but if you want to learn more about this, scroll down and click the link in the bio box.

The truth is that our lives unfold through the application of Universal Laws, among which the Universal Law of Attraction. We can do this either consciously, or unconsciously (as most people do). If you do it unconsciously, life appears to be a series of 'accidents', and the big bad outside world appears to be making things hard for you in achieving your success.

However, as you apply the Universal Law of Attraction or the Universal Laws in general consciously, you can engineer your own success. You can set the stage for achieving your desires, and then act accordingly. The acting part is absolutely crucial, and this is where the efffort comes in. But what's important for now, is that you need to be aware of the way in which the Universal Law of Attraction or the Universal Laws work together and the nuances of how they need to be applied.

So, how can all different sources be right? How can there be 6 and 7 Universal Laws at the same time? How can there simultaneously be 12 Laws of Success or 21 Subsidiary Laws of the Universe or Spiritual Laws of the Universe?

The answer is simple. Once again, the Universe is infinite. You can make things as complex as you like. Or as simple as you like for that matter. Make it more complex, and you can easily make up 21 Universal Laws, or 21 Subsidiary Laws. Make it a bit more simple and you can easily get to 12 Laws of Success. Or just stick to 7 Laws of the Universe. Every version may be potentially correct. What's important is to what extent a resource is right for you.

I always like to make things as least complicated as possible. It's not that I can't make things complicated. If you want I can give you at least 100 subsidiary laws of the universe, and call them spiritual or required to attract and manifest whatever it is you want. But that's not going to help you. The more Universal Laws you need to remember, the more difficult you make things on yourself, and the less likely it becomes that you achieve all your desires and dreams.

True enough, just knowing about the Universal Law of Attraction isn't enough. There are some other Universal Laws to know about and understand if you want to apply the Universal Law of Attraction correctly. However, it doesn't help you if you must think about a whole bunch of additional Universal Laws, subsidiary laws, spiritual laws, and so on all the time.

You know, there's a way around this whole mess of 7 Universal Laws, Subsidiary Laws of the Universe and Spiritual Laws of the Universe, 12 Laws of Success, every average Joe and Jill pretending to be an expert about the Universal Law of Attraction these days, and so on. You can just get yourself an extremely clear and straightforward description of just 6 Universal Laws, or Laws of the Universe if you like. One of these is the Universal Law of Attraction. The fact that there are only 5 others doesn't mean that this resource is less accurate or comprehensive than the 12 Laws of Success, or the 21 Subsidiary Laws of the Universe, or the 7 Universal Laws, or the '100 merry-go-round Spiritual Laws of the Universe rolodex', or whatever fancy thing people come up with these days. There's too much information, a too complex web of knowledge these days already anyway, so the last thing you need is an even more complex and overly detailed description of the Laws of the Universe.

Discussing just 6 Universal Laws, or Laws of the Universe if you will, done in the right, clearest and most straightforward way possible, allows you to automatically cover any subsidiary Universal Law you or any other can possibly think of. These 6 Universal Laws are the main Laws of the Universe, or the main Laws of Success. By pulling the levers on these main Laws, you'll automatically set the stage and create the circumstances for reaping more benefit than you can even imagined possible from your application of the Universal Law of Attraction alone.

And because you don't make things too hard on yourself by keeping things simple, you don't need more than that in the form of 12 Laws of Success or 21 Subsidiary Laws of the Universe, or 21 Spiritual Laws of the Universe, or whatever. You can just cut to the chase, apply the Universal Laws and the Universal Law of Attraction in the right way, covering any potential subsidiary law, and you'll create the life you've always wanted in the quickest and most straightforward way possible.

Give yourself a break, and make things easy on yourself for a change. It's been hard enough for long enough already. Apply the Universal Law of Attraction and the other main Laws of the Universe together in the right way, and start changing your life.

Certifications In Criminal Justice

If you were to look into the field of criminal justice, you would realize that there are many types of criminal justice jobs available. Each job is determined by a field of specialization, in which influences the type of education and training required for it. Here are a few different areas of expertise in criminal justice one can consider, as well as the types of certifications offered for them.

The Criminal Justice certification comes in the forms of certificate, associate degree, and bachelor’s degree. In this certification, one’s technical and analytical skills are honed so that they will be able to perform well in the field. Graduates would have learned and be familiarized with crime, justice, and legal systems subjects, as well as learn how to be effective communicators in order so that they are able to work as a team with other criminal justice professionals.

The Crime Scene Technologists certification can come as a certificate or an associate degree. Venturing in this field can be exciting as they can find jobs in all levels of law enforcement, or even in the office of legal or medical examiners. Having this certificate indicates that one is skilled to analyze and preserve crime scenes. They will be taught how to collect, store and recover evidence. They will also learn how to effectively relay their findings as they may need to present them in court.

Last but not least would be the certificate of Terrorism/National Security Management. For those who are already in the midst of their careers in criminal justice but feels like trying something different, this certificate can be an interesting one to attain. During the program, students will be educated about terrorist techniques, and learn how to come up with and analyze suitable response plans as well as security proposals.

All in all, there are a variety of criminal justice jobs that specializes in different areas. Remember that the type of education one should pursue relies heavily on the career goals you have in the field. Understand your goals and you will be able to find the right job for yourself.